Cleaning your palette without damaging the planet

Nov 12, 2024

I don't know about you but I can get pretty messy in the studio. I love to sling paint like a wild creative and my palettes would make fabulous abstract art pieces by the end of a session. But when it comes to cleaning up, things can get pretty gross, and all that paint going down the drain is not good for the planet. 

Did you know that acrylic paint is essentially made of plastic?

So, how do you clean your palette without dumping a rainbow of toxicity down the drain? Or creating more work for yourself when all you want to do is create?

Dear creative peep, I've got you! I've pulled together my favourite tips for keeping paint from going down your drain:

Create something new

I always have at least 2 or 3 canvasses on the go at any one time. The first thing I do with my left over paint is I scrape it off my palette with an old credit card, and smear it on one of my other canvasses. You can create amazing things when you are not worried about the outcome, and this is a great way to start a canvas. Or like one of my clients Kandy Hague just keep one canvas specifically for your left over paint - imagine the texture and layers you will end up with!

Making Gelli Prints

This was suggested by one of my subscribers Jessie Hollaway, so I am including it here - thanks Jessie! I've not tried Gelli printing yet, but after this I certainly will. For those new to Gelli printing it is form of mono printing that uses flexible printing plates to create textures and layers of colour. You can use up your extra paint on the plate and transfer it to paper or canvas in a whole new way. For more information I have included a link to a great beginner YouTube video here.

Kitchen roll is not just for the kitchen

I often spray my palettes down with water before they have dried and wipe off the excess with kitchen roll. Then I throw the kitchen roll in the trash - it at least keeps the paint out of the waterways.

Spray and walk away

My most favourite of all is I just let my excess paint dry on my palettes. Then next time I put fresh paint on top of the dried paint. Eventually though you do need to clean your palette - so what I do is I spray it with water and leave it for a few minutes. Then I take a paint scraper and scrape the paint off. It often comes off in very satisfying colourful strips and chunks. Watch this video of Mansi Makes peeling paint from her palette and using it in her art journal it's really meditative! 

Making skins

You can actually dry off  the waste paint and use it in future artworks, which is soooo much fun - they are often called skins. I found this useful video on YouTube on making skins you might want to give it a go!

The laziest option of all

Try using a disposable palette pad or a sheet of wax paper or freezer paper. Then when it dries you can simply peel off the paint, you can use it in other artworks or throw it in the trash. Super easy - and you can reuse the palette/paper. 

Do you really need that much?

Finally maybe think about using less paint on your palette - you can always go back for more. That way you have less need to throw anything in the trash too.

Creative adventurer remember, cleaning your palette doesn't have to be a big job. You can still have fun painting and look after the planet with a little creative flair.


Angela x

PS What tips do you have that you can share with me on saving our planet while still creating with wild abandon - I'd love to hear from you. You can always email me at [email protected]







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